Bratislava to Vienna by Hyperloop
Hyperloop is a futuristic transportation project allowing passengers to travel with the speed of sound - around 1200 km/h. The initial concept has been introduced in 2013 by Tesla's founder Elon Musk and it is becoming a reality soon..
The Hyperloop company announced that the first ever cities to be connected are Vienna - Bratislava - Budapest. While it currently takes 1 hour to get from Bratislava to Vienna by bus or train, we should be able to cover this distance in 8 minutes by year 2020 when Hyperloop should be launched. The 200km distance between Bratislava and Budapest will be covered in 10 minutes. According to the Hyperloop company, the travel ticket should not be more expensive than 20€.
What is Hyperloop?
The system is designed to be earthquake and weather resistant, with each pylon capable of supporting seven passenger Hyperloop tubes and one for security purposes – transporting an estimated 3,400 passengers per hour, and 24 million people each year.
In Elon Musk's world, the Hyperloop will become a "fifth mode" of transportation, standing beside planes, trains, automobiles and boats in the pantheon of mechanized movement. Musk envisions people traveling through the Hyperloop in pods that whiz through steel tubes mounted on pylons, or pillars, designed to withstand California's earthquakes. Those pylons, made of reinforced concrete, would be spaced every 100 feet (30 meters) or so and stand 20, 50 and 100 feet (6, 15 and 30 meters) high, depending on the terrain.
How Hyperloop works?
The Hyperloop might be able to use powerful fans to push the pods, much like pneumatic tubes that offices use to shove mail from one building to another. Musk says while it's possible to construct such behemoth fans, it's impractical because a 350-mile (563-kilometer) -long column of air moving so rapidly would create an enormous amount of friction inside the tube, making the type of speed he hopes to achieve impossible [source: SpaceX].
Speaking to Dezeen at last year's Transport to the Future event in London, Gresta described Hyperloop as the "closest thing to teleportation," and that he expected it to "completely change humanity."